An exhibit can be either a sheet of paper or card no larger than A2 (420 mm wide by 594 mm high) - this will be attached to the wall.
Three dimensional stand: its 'footprint' should be no more than 1200 mm x 750 mm with a maximum height of 900mm. The stand needs to be strong and transportable. A base will help support the sides. Corrugated cardboard or plastic can be used, or more solid materials such as particle boards.
The best size for each of the three display boards is 600 mm wide by 900 mm high Join the boards with strong tape or hinges so they can be folded for easy transport. Paint your boards in a colour that sets off the material you are displaying. Boards can be purchased from stationary supply shops.
The project can be presented as a poster.
Research Question: The research question is the single most important part of the scientific method. Every part of your project is done to answer this question. The research question is sometimes formed as a statement and is called the "Problem" or "Problem Statement."
Hypothesis: The hypothesis is an "educated guess," formed as a statement, that you propose to be the answer to the research question. An educated guess is based on some prior knowledge.
Experimental Design: Plan an experiment in which you can test your hypothesis.
Variables: The experiment will contain an element or elements that do not change (called controlled variables or dependent variables) and elements that will change (called manipulated variables or independent variables).
Control: The control is a particular sample that is treated the same as all the rest of the samples except that it is not exposed to manipulated variables.
Observation: When you interact with your experiment, you are using your senses to observe. Does it have a smell, make a noise have colour, etc.?
Collect Data: As you observe your experiment, you will need to record the progress of your experiment. Data can be whatever you observe about your experiment that may or may not change during the time of the experimentation. Examples of data are values in pH, temperature, a measurement of growth, colour, distance, etc.
Logbook: All scientists keep a record of their observations in some form of a logbook. The logbook will begin with the date and time the experimentor collects the data. Sometimes data will include environmental values such as humidity, temperature, etc. Entries must be written clearly and with detail of description so that another scientist can read the logbook, simulate the conditions of the experiment, and repeat the experiment exactly.
Data: The data are the values written down as the experiment progresses. Examples of data entry on measuring plant growth:
11/15/04 Control Plant 7.4 mm
Test Plant 16.2 mm
Test Plant 24.9 mm
Test Plant 37.2 mm
11/22/04 Control Plant 7.8 mm
Test Plant 15.9 mm
Test Plant 23.2 mm
Test Plant 37.2 mm
Tables & Graphs: When at all possible, illustrations of data are advisable. They create a professional appearance and convey a great deal of information. Examples include: Bar Graph, Pie Chart, X & Y axis Graph, Histogram, etc.
Materials: List all supplies and equipment. Example: 250 ml. glass beaker 1 straw 150 ml. Lime Water 10 g. Baking Soda
Method: The procedure is a somewhat detailed, step - by - step description of how you conducted your experiment. Example: "After 1 minute, I stirred in the baking soda and timed the reaction to be 45 seconds."
Results: The results is usually in the form of a statement that explains or interprets the data. You do not go into any detail or explanations here. You simply say in words what your data is telling you. Example: "Test Plant 3 showed little difference in growth rate as compared to the Control Plant."
Conclusion: The conclusion is a summary of the research and the results of the experiment. This is where you answer your research question. You make a statement of whether your data supported your hypothesis or not. You may have data that supported part of your hypothesis and not another part. You may also have data that did not support your hypothesis at all. In this case, you may explain why the results were different.
Application: The application is how the information or knowledge gained in the experiment can be used. It is not often included in science fair projects.
Resources: One of the most important things for a student to do is recognise the people and resources used in developing and conducting the project. Name the people who offered knowledge or helped, and list the web sites, retail stores, magazines, books, computer programs, etc. that were used as sources of information or supplies.
Don't have an account ?
Please contact
If you are wanting to sign up independently from your school, please contact us here.
Once you have your login details, you will be able to login and submit your project ready for Southland Science Fair.
An experimental investigation into how the world around us works.
Consider repeat testing, analysing data, what could we now do?.
The use of tools and knowledge to solve a problem.
Consider problem definition, initial design, prototypes, marketing.
ID Card should be attached to the top right corner of your display board. Follow the link below to download files to print out.
Animal ethics or human ethics approval must be obtained before you start. See your teacher about this or click here to find out more information.
You will be given an Ethics Approval Certificate that must be attached to your display board next to your ID Card.
Click here to view the Keydates for Southland Science Fair.
Your school will expect you to wear school uniform if you are getting a prize. Unclaimed prizes and certificates will be sent to your school. Exhibits must be removed after 3 pm on the last day. Exhibits not collected by 7 pm on this day will be disposed of as they cannot be stored.
On the day of prizegiving, you are required to wear your school uniform.
Groups are limited to a maximum of 2 students.
Where there are multiple students in a group, the total prize money remains the same.
Check here for resources for creating a SCIENCE or a TECHNOLOGY project.
There are also hints on the website on how to make an exhibit look good and also links for investigation ideas.
A logbook must be kept throughout the investigation and included with the exhibit.
Now Promote the Fair in your school.
Before your investigation is started Ethics Approval should be gained for ANY projects involving animals or humans. Remember that this also includes simple surveys! Detailed ethics information is available by clicking on the text on the left panel.
For more information click the ETHICS tab above.
Please complete the entry form here to give us an indication of the amount of entries from your school. Afterwards we will contact you with further registration information.
This form enables us to maintain communication with you and also to allocate places for your school at the Fair.
Projects are also eligible for additional special prizes if they are on specific topics such as conservation, statistics and health. Check out a list of special prizes for this year
These topics may help your students select a topic for investigation.
After completing the entry form you will be sent an email with information for logging onto the website.
You will need to register your student(s) name(s). Please include the surname, their year level and title of the exhibit.
Make sure that all spelling is correct as this will be entered into our database and this is used to print certificates. It is important that you access this from the website and submit it before the due date. If you require more places than have been allocated, or need less, please contact the entries officer.
After you have registered them your students can then log in and enter their own project details.
These can be generated after logging into the website.
Each project needs to have an ID card attached to it. Please photocopy these on the correct coloured card and attach it to the top right-hand corner of the exhibit.
• 5 and 6 are Pink
• 7 and 8 are Yellow
• 9 and 10 are Orange
• 11 to 13 are Light Green
• There is one card for Science and another for Technology exhibits. Use the same colour for each level.
• Students with special needs: Please identify these students on the Registration Form and the ID card.
• Groups containing students from different year levels must be entered in the level of the most senior student
Students will be interviewed after they have set up their exhibit. During judging emphasis will be placed on the scientific or technological thought in the investigation.
Your school will be invited to help with judging.
What will judges be looking for?. The judges are looking for:
• Good scientific or technological process
• Own work
• Originality
• Creativity
• Topical
• High interest
• Logbook
Tasting, touching or smelling different foods or other substances
Taking any medicines, drugs or other substances
Applying any substance to their bodies
Undergoing any physical or medical tests
Giving you any information of a personal, private of confidential nature
Giving information that could identify them
Safety of everyone concerned must be paramount.
Any project should only involve minimal risk ie any adverse effect should be very small, and the probability of that effect occurring should be low. For instance, if one is asking people for information, it should only be the sort of information it would be safe, easily volunteered and appropriate to ask in an ordinary conversation, or if you are asking people to exert themselves, physically it should only be to a level that that person might do in everyday life.
When people are asked to participate in research, they need to be told clearly what the research is and what they will be required of them. If you are collecting information from them they need to know what will be done with that information, who else will see it and whether or not the information can be linked to a particular person.
If your research involves no unusual risk or exertion or unreasonable request and the person can’t be identified, then no written permission is necessary. Otherwise, written permission must be obtained from the person and the person’s guardian if under the age of 16.
Cell Phones and Driving: Does cell phone use affect driving ability in a video game simulation?
Dogs and Stress Relief: Does a pet help relieve stress and anxiety for children at a cancer treatment center?
Eyewitness Testimony: How reliable are eyewitness reports?
Food: Do students prefer meat or vegetables for lunch?
Learning: Do students learn more from a "live" lecture or a video lecture?
Learning: How does music influence learning and memory?
Learning: Is there a relationship between eating breakfast and school performance?
Memory: Do daily memory-oriented activities slow memory loss in older people?
Memory: Do mnemonics actually help people remember things?
Memory: Do students remember a sequence of letters and numbers better if they hear or see the sequence first?
Memory: Is there a difference in short-term memory between boys and girls?
Pain: How do cancer patients and pharmacy students compare in their attitudes to pain?
Reflexes: How does age affect the ability of drivers?
Reflexes: How does reaction time in teenagers depend on the loudness of a sound?
Reflexes: How does talking on a cell phone or listening to music affect reaction time?
Seeing or Hearing: Do you do better at a task if you see the instructions or if you hear the instructions?
Sleep and Grades: Does the amount of sleep that students get affect their grades?
Tests: Does how difficult you expect a test to be affect how well you do?
Vision: Does the accuracy of vision testing results depend on previous familiarity with the test symbols being used?
Aspartame: Does the sweetener aspartame affect the life cycle of mealworms?
Aspirin and Thinning Blood: What's the minimum daily aspirin dosage required to thin blood?
Bacteria: Are antibacterial hand lotions effective in reducing bacteria populations?
Bacteria: Are coliform bacteria present in store-bought packages of ground beef?
Bacteria: Are restroom door handles contaminated with bacteria?
Bacteria: Does reusing water bottles increase their bacterial content?
Bacteria: How clean are the tops of soda cans, and what is the most effective way to clean them?
Bacteria: How do caffeine and nicotine affect bacterial growth?
Bacteria: How do the antibiotic resistance patterns of bacteria in chickens and horses compare?
Bacteria: How do the bacterial populations of free-ranging and traditionally raised chickens differ?
Bacteria: How effective is a fungus from an extreme environment in killing bacteria?
Bacteria: How well do we wash our hands?
Bacteria: What antibacterial properties do extracts from basil and mint plants have?
Bacteria: What antibacterial properties do various pine extracts have?
Bacteria: What effect do ultrasound and very high magnetic fields have on the growth of Escherichia coli?
Bacteria and Honey: How do the antimicrobial capabilities of raw honey change after the honey is treated with heat, ethanol, and ultraviolet radiation?
Bacteria and Makeup: Does clarifying makeup inhibit bacterial growth better than normal makeup does?
Bacteria and Seafood: Can treating fresh fish with antibacterial washes improve seafood safety?
Bacteria and Soap: Do antibacterial soaps kill bacteria or select for resistant bacteria?
Bacteria and Soap: Do soap bars with recessed brand-name imprints harbor more bacteria than flat bars do?
Blood Pressure: What effect does playing a video game have on a person's blood pressure?
Blood Pressure: What effects do garlic and vitamin C have on high blood pressure in people?
Body Temperature: How does eating hot or cold foods change a person's body temperature?
Caffeine: Are the motor skills of teachers or students affected more by caffeine?
Caffeine: How do people who are more than 60 years old differ in their response to caffeinated coffee from people who are less than 60 years old?
Caffeine: What effect does caffeine have on Drosophila melanogaster (fruit flies)?
Cell Phones and Pacemakers: Can a cell phone placed near a pacemaker patient's heart change the patient's heart rate?
Cigarette Smoke: How does cigarette smoke affect human cell lines?
Diabetes: How does exercise affect blood sugar levels in diabetics?
Diabetes: What effect does cinnamon have on blood glucose levels in diabetics?
Diets: Does the Atkins high-protein diet really work?
Drugs: Which pill dissolves the fastest?
Exercise: Does body fat content or age affect heart rate response to exercise?
Exercise: How does exercise affect heart rate recovery?
Feet: Are magnetic insoles for shoes better than conventional insoles?
Fingerprint Patterns: Do family members have similar fingerprints?
Food: How does cooking temperature or cooking time affect the fat content of french fries?
Fungi: On which foods does a fungus grow best?
Garlic: Can garlic be used to preserve meat?
Gene Mutations, HIV, and T-Cells: Do mutations in a certain gene affect the ability of the virus HIV-1 to kill T-cells?
Genes and Cold Tolerance: Can genetic engineering increase the cold tolerance of citrus plants?
Hair: Does a person's age affect the strength of his or her hair?
Ionizing Radiation: How does ionizing radiation affect the germination and growth of plants?
Ionizing Radiation: What effect does gamma-ray irradiation have on the germination of radish seeds?
Lead: How much lead is present in imported candies?
Lung Capacity: Do the lung capacities of girls and boys differ?
Lung Capacity and Music: Do sixth-grade wind musicians have more lung capacity than those who are not musicians?
Noise: Could the sounds of drills and other machines in a dental office cause hearing damage?
Obesity: Based on body mass index (BMI), what percentage of middle school students is overweight?
Protein Aggregation: What effect do active metals in cosmetic products have on protein aggregation?
Purification by Ozonation: How does ozonation affect vitamin C and bacterial colonies in unpasteurized apple cider?
Sun Protection: Is the sun protection factor (SPF) of sunscreen or the amount applied more important in providing protection from the sun?
Teeth: Are fluoride treatments effective in reducing tooth enamel erosion?
Ultraviolet Light: Do different wavelengths of ultraviolet light affect DNA differently?
Ultraviolet Light: Does folic acid enhance protection of Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) DNA from damage due to ultraviolet radiation exposure?
Vitamin C: Does using vitamin C enhance the effectiveness of sunscreens?
Vitamin C: How does light affect the vitamin C content of juice?
Vitamin C: How does peel thickness affect the concentration of vitamin C in oranges?
Vitamin C: How does the vitamin C content of various fruits and vegetables differ?
Vitamin C: What effect does temperature have on the vitamin C content of orange juice?
Vitamin C: What effect do various cooking methods have on the vitamin C content of broccoli?
Vitamin C: Where is ascorbic acid (vitamin C) found in broccoli?
Vitamin C: Which brand of orange juice contains the most vitamin C?
Vitamin C and Bacteria: What effect does vitamin C have on the bacterium Lactobacillus?
Wound Healing: Can light-emitting diodes speed up the regeneration of planaria?
Yeast: How do different disinfectants affect yeast growth?
Yeast: How does the amount of carbon dioxide generated by yeast depend on temperature?
Barnacles: What substance best prevents barnacle growth?
Bees: What nectar sources do bees use in the fall for making honey?
Birds: How does the type of food affect the feeding behavior of Arabian babblers?
Birds: How do predator calls affect the behavior of birds?
Birds: Which color of birdfeeder attracts more birds?
Brine Shrimp: How do electromagnetic fields affect populations of brine shrimp?
Brine Shrimp: What effect do salinity, light, and temperature have on the hatch rate of brine shrimp eggs?
Caterpillars: How does the type of food affect the growth of monarch caterpillars?
Chickens: Are the eggs of caged or free-range chickens stronger?
Chickens: How does the cholesterol content of chicken eggs depend on what the chickens eat?
Dogs: How well does a dog understand language?
Fertilizer and Citrus Leaves: How does biuret in urea fertilizer affect citrus leaf necrosis?
Fish: How does water temperature affect the color of fish?
Forests: Do fires have a beneficial effect on a forest?
Fruit: How does ethylene affect ripening fruit?
Fruit Flies: Do blind fruit flies have a better sense of smell than their sighted counterparts?
Fruit Flies: How does the natural hormone DHEA affect fruit fly longevity?
Fruit Flies: What effect does alcohol have on fruit flies?
Fruit Flies: Can fruit flies learn?
Fruit Flies: What effect do magnetic fields have on fruit fly metamorphosis?
Horses: Does the length of a horse's leg determine how high it can jump?
Insects: What sorts of insects are present in a coniferous tree farm?
Mosquitoes: How does acidity (pH) affect the rate at which mosquitoes hatch?
Mosquitoes: How effective are herbal oils and DEET as mosquito repellents?
Mushrooms: Can mushrooms be used to generate ethanol?
Plant Growth: Do different colors of light affect plant growth?
Plant Growth: Do low-frequency sounds increase plant growth?
Plant Growth: How do different sugars affect plant growth?
Plant Growth: How does a magnetic field affect plant growth?
Plant Growth: How does an increased level of carbon dioxide affect a plant's growth rate?
Plant Growth: How does electricity affect plant growth?
Plant Growth: How does mint extract affect bean growth?
Plant Growth: How does secondhand smoke affect plants?
Plant Growth: How will Rhizobium bacteria affect the growth of soybeans when applied at different stages of the plant growth cycle?
Plant Growth: What effect do different fertilizers have on plant growth?
Plant Growth: What effect does recycled dryer lint have on soil and plant growth?
Seeds: How do different soils protect seeds from fire?
Seeds: What role does wind play in spreading seeds?
Seeds: What effect do X rays have on seed germination?
Trees: Do saltcedar trees grow better in the open or under the cottonwood canopy of the forest?
Artificial Intelligence: Does alpha-beta pruning improve program efficiency?
Biometrics: Can vocal wave form patterns be used to identify individuals?
Biometrics: Can computer systems for recognising human motion be used to counter terrorism?
Cellular Automata: How do various rules affect a two-dimensional system of cellular automata?
Computer Modeling: How do snow crystals grow?
Computer Vision: How effective are computer-vision-based criminal surveillance systems?
Robotics: Can a robot be programmed to learn and reproduce a path to a target?
Earthquakes: Do earthquakes tend to occur at certain times of day?
Greenhouse Gases: How does the concentration of carbon dioxide affect plant growth?
Lakes: How does water discharging from a dam affect lake water temperatures?
Lava: What factors affect fragmentation or cracking in a model of cooling lava?
Rocks: Does age affect the hardness of sedimentary rock?
Sand: How wet should sand be to build a sandcastle?
Skyglow and Star Visibility: How does the amount of light pollution depend on the distance from an urban center?
Soils: How does slope affect the erosion rate of different kinds of soil?
Soils: How does the amount of precipitation, degree of slope, and type of vegetation affect the occurrence of mudslides?
Soils: What effect does the type of soil have on water runoff and flooding?
Sunspots: How does sunspot activity affect radio reception?
Weather: How accurate are Web-based weather forecasting services?
Weather: Is there a relationship between the phases of the moon and the weather?
Aerodynamics: What is the most aerodynamic bike wheel?
Boats: What's the best hull shape for a fast boat?
Cell Phones: How does cell phone reception depend on the time of day or location?
Concrete: Can recycled be used to strengthen concrete?
Concrete: Does the addition of latex paint make concrete stronger?
Concrete: How resistant is polymer concrete to abrasion?
Concrete: What ingredients affect the strength of concrete?
Earth Removal: What factors improve the efficiency of earth removal during an excavation?
Energy: Is it possible to make a clothes dryer more efficient by using an air-to-air heat exchanger?
Energy: Can biomass be used to generate electricity by creating methane gas?
Flight: How does the angle of attack affect lift?
Flight: How does the positioning of wing vortex generators affect the takeoff thrust of planes and jets?
Liquids: What factors affect the terminal velocity of a solid spheres dropping in a liquid?
Materials: Are some materials better than others for minimizing wear of shoe insoles?
Noise: How can adding noise help reduce noise?
Pollution: How does the air temperature affect carbon monoxide emissions when a car is first started?
Sailing: Does sail shape affect boat speed at various points of sailing?
Solar Cells: How does temperature affect the efficiency of a solar cell?
Solar Cells: How does the response to light of solar cells based on dyes compare with that of cells based on silicon?
Sound: How does drywall thickness affect sound transmission?
Space Travel: What is the best fabric for use in designing a spacesuit to protect humans in the Martian environment?
Steel: Are there ways to insulate steel to keep it cool in extremely hot surroundings?
Structures: How strong (and safe) is a playground jungle gym?
Structures: What is the effect of shape on an unreinforced masonry building's structural integrity in an earthquake?
Structures: Which design of skyscraper best withstands wind?
Temperature: Can corn byproducts be used as an effective insulating material?
Temperature: Can making ice more reflective slow its melting?
Temperature: Which socks keep your feet the warmest?
Wind Energy: Are wind generators a viable energy source?
Vehicles: What factors affect the top speed of a radio-controlled car?
Wind Energy: Does a little bit of extra turbulence at the surface of an airfoil increase turbine efficiency?
Wind Energy: Can wind power be stored compressed air?
Wind Energy: Does increasing the number of blades on a windmill generate more electricity?
Wind Energy: How does the blade design affect the output of a wind-driven generator?
Wind Energy: Is a horizontal or vertical-axis wind turbine more efficient at generating power?
Wind Energy: What factors affect the generation of electricity by wind turbines?
Acid Rain: How does acid rain affect algae and bacteria?
Acid Rain: How does acid rain affect the cell structure of
Air Pollution: Can lichen be used as an indicator of air quality?
Air Pollution: How does the quality of roadside air affect the growth rate of white pine?
Air Pollution: What effect does sulfur dioxide have on lichens?
Fertilizer: Can recycled newspaper be used to fertilize plants?
Fertilizer: Does fertilizer in water lower dissolved oxygen levels?
Grasshoppers: Are chemical pesticides or organic treatments more effective for controlling grasshoppers and locusts?
Grass: What effect do different salts have on lawn and prairie grass growth?
Herbicides: Does exposure to a common herbicide affect the regeneration of Planaria?
Lead: Can soil beside a road be a health hazard if it contains lead?
Lead: What hazards does lead paint pose in older homes?
Lead: What is the lead content of drinking water at home and at school?
Light: How does artificial light affect the migration pattern of
Mosquito Control: How does buckeye poison affect mosquito development?
Mosquito Control: Can a biodegradable, natural oil (neem oil) be effective against mosquitoes?
Oil Spills: Will the plants
Pollution: Is snow safe to eat?
Salt: How does roadside salt affect the growth of white pine
Salt: How does the concentration of salt in water affect seed germination?
Sewage Treatment: How do common household chemicals affect the effectiveness of sewage treatment?
Sewage Treatment: What effect do toxic and pharmaceutical compounds have on activated sludge microorganisms in sewage treatment?
Soil Quality: Could remote-sensing systems lead to more environmentally friendly farming?
Spiders: What impact does exposure to environmental tobacco smoke have on orb weaving spiders?
Trees: Do stomata counts for coniferous trees differ as a direct result of pollution?
Ultraviolet Light: How does ultraviolet radiation affect the division rate Zooxanthellae cells from Cnidarians (corals and jellyfish)?
Ultraviolet Light: How do various fabrics compare as barriers against ultraviolet radiation?
Water Pollution: Does pollution affect oxygen production in aquatic plants?
Water Pollution: How can aquatic plants be used for treating nutrient-rich wastewater to enhance water quality?
Water Pollution: How does acid mine drainage affect algal growth in lake water?
Water Pollution: How does depth affect the concentration of pollutants in water?
Water Pollution: Is forest soil or sand in runoff filters better for reducing the concentration of nitrogen in storm water runoff?
Water Pollution: What are the effects of pollutants on oxygen production in
Water Pollution: What effect do natural materials have on the acidity of acid main drainage?
Water Pollution: What effects does rainfall have on water quality indicators?
Water Purification: What byproducts does water disinfection generate?
Zebra Mussels: How does the water quality of a lake affect the strength of zebra mussel shells?
Zebra Mussels: What effect does sedimentary deposition have on zebra mussels?
Business: How does the method of stock selection affects portfolio profit?
Music: Do different genres of music each exhibit a unique mathematical pattern?
Optimization: How can the shortest path algorithm be modified to include traffic conditions?
Statistics: How does block scheduling affect standardized test scores?
Statistics: How does the size of a statistical sample affect its accuracy?
Grease Traps: Does a solid or liquid enzyme work best to remove grease in a grease trap?
Aluminum: Does aluminum leach out of Teflon pans?
Chemistry: Do chlorine and copper in water both contribute to making blonde hair turn green?
Chemistry: How does the evaporation rate of an alcohol depend on the number of carbon atoms in the alcohol molecule?
Chemistry: How does water hardness affect the color of a hair dye or how long the color lasts?
Chemistry: Which children's multivitamin tablet will disintegrate or dissolve the most in 30 minutes?
Chemistry: Which plants and vegetables make the best dye?
Cleaning Agents: Which carpet cleaners work best?
Corrosion: What factors affect corrosion in aluminum foil?
Desalination: Is distillation or freezing/thawing more effective in removing salt from water?
Dynamics: Does the height to which a golf ball bounces when dropped affect how far it will travel when struck?
Dynamics: How does air pressure affect a soccer ball's flight?
Dynamics: How does propeller size affect boat speed?
Dynamics: What's the right amount of friction on a wheelchair ramp?
Dynamics: Which baseball cleat is best?
Electrochemistry: How do the levels of salt and vinegar affect the amount of gas produced by electrolysis of water?
Fermentation: How does the amount of sugar affect fermentation?
Flame Retardants: How do multiple washings affect the flame resistance of sleepwear?
Forensic Science: Can hair be used to identify people?
Heat: How do the thermal transport properties of water and ethylene glycol compare?
Heat: Which materials work best as thermal insulators?
Light: Does reflector color determine reflector quality or efficiency?
Light: How does temperature affect the output of a light stick?
Light: How does water droplet size affect the brilliance of a rainbow?
Liquids: How does the viscosity of motor oil change as it is used in an engine?
Magnetism: How does temperature affect a magnet?
Materials: Does baseball bat composition affect the distance that a ball can be hit?
Materials: Does the density and wood type affect the time it takes a flame to burn through to the other side?
Materials: Does the density of wood affect how much weight different pieces of wood will hold in water?
Materials: How does the tensile strength of a hair depend on its type?
Materials: Which materials are most effective for blocking radio waves?
Materials: Which scoopable cat litter has the most liquid absorbency?
Popcorn: What is the best temperature at which to store packages of microwave popcorn to get the smallest number of unpopped kernels?
Snow: Can fences be used to create snowdrifts in desirable locations?
Solar Cells: How does temperature affects solar cell energy production and storage?
Sound: Does rosin affect the sound a violin produces?
Solar Cells: How does the angle of incidence of light affect the output of a solar cell?
Sound: How does the material of a violin string affect how long it will stay in tune?
Sunscreens: Does DEET alter the effectiveness of sunscreens?
Water Flow: Where is the current of a stream fastest?
Water Purification: Do water purifiers really work?
Water Purification: What effect does chlorinated water have on activated carbon that acts as a filter to remove hazardous substances?
Wood: How well do different types of wood absorb water?
Wood: Which wood is the hardest?